Violetta Wiki
Violetta Wiki

Lomas (L/eon and T/omas) is the enemy pairing between Leon and Tomas Heredia.


Since Tomas and Leon first met, they hated each other. When Tomas came to the Studio to deliver food, he looked at a guy a guitar, Leon asked him if he likes "it", referring to Ludmila which was dancing with other students next to the guy playing the guitar. Leon was mad at Tomas and he thought Violetta was his girlfriend, so he tried to make him jealous by winning Violetta over. But soon, Leon falls for her and he breaks up with Ludmila, which runs to Tomas. But Tomas still has feelings for Violetta, so he has to get in a fight with Leon every time they see each other. Tomas tries and gives Ludmila a chance, but he still can't forget Violetta and suffer seeing to see Leon and Violetta together.

Other Names

  • Teon (T/omas and L/eon)
  • Toon (To/mas and Le/on)
  • Tomon (Tom/as and Le/on)
  • Tomason (Tomas and Le/on)
  • Tomaseon (Tomas and L/eon)
  • Leonas (Leon and Tom/as)
  • Leonmas (Leon and To/mas)
  • Leomas (Leo/n and To/mas)
  • Lemas (Le/on and To/mas)



  • Both love Violetta.
  • Both had a relationship with Ludmila.
  • Both can play the piano.
  • Both were in Gregorio's special group.
  • Both were picked for the reality show Talents 21.
  • Both are good singers.
  • Both can play the guitar.


  • Leon comes from an upper-class family and Tomas comes from a middle-class family.
  • Leon is from Mexico and Tomas is from Spain.
  • Violetta's dad, Herman, likes Leon but he dislikes Tomas.
  • Leon's preferred musical instrument is the piano, while Tomas' is the guitar.
  • Leon is a good dancer, but Tomas isn't.
  • Leon has been on the Studio 21 for a longer time than Tomas.
  • Tomas has worked at Resto Bar, but Leon hasn't.


  • They hated each other since they first met.
  • Tomas had to write a song for Leon to sing for Gregorio's assignment.
  • In real-life, Pablo Espinosa and Jorge Blanco are actually good friends, unlike their characters.
  • Violetta once drew Tomas and Leon as two angry dogs in her diary.


Song - The Lomas song is "I Can See It in Your Eyes", because Tomas wrote it for Leon to sing for Gregorio's assignment.

Episode - The Lomas episode is episode 46, because they sang the song "I Can See It in Your Eyes" together for Gregorio's assignment, Tomas played the guitar and Leon sang the song.

Color - The Lomas color can be violet, because they both love Violetta and her name is similar to the word "violet" in Spanish.

Place - The Lomas place is Studio 21, because they are usually seen together there and they met for the first time at the Studio.


  • Pablo Espinosa and Jorge Blanco are actually really good friends in real life


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To view the Leon-Tomas Conflict gallery, click here.
